Breast Lift

Average Length of Stay                                            7 Days

Length of Stay in Hospital                                        1 Day

Operation Duration                                             2-4 Hours

Anesthesia                                             General Anesthesia

Recovery Duration                                                1-2 Weeks

Average Cost                                             4.000–6.000 Euro    

Our Doctors about this treatment

A woman’s breasts are one of the most sensual and feminine body attributes. As women age, young, firm breasts begin to get loose, droop and sag. After childbearing and breastfeeding, many women are displeased with the damage to their breasts—which may manifest in volume loss, elasticity and breast drooping. Other causes of sagging breasts include hormonal changes, weight fluctuations and changes in skin elasticity.  

Breast lift is a plastic surgery Turkey procedure that can help restore a more youthful breast appearance. Once again you can have a firm, plump and higher breast position on the chest for a more attractive body profile.

Breast lift Turkey —   

also medically referred to as mastopexy—is designed to raise and reshape breasts by removing excess skin and repositioning the residual gland and nipple-areola complex. Some women suffer from overly enlarged breast size—which can cause back, neck and shoulder. Heavy breasts can also trigger skin irritation beneath the breasts, and indentations in the shoulder from bra tight straps. 

Breast reduction Turkey surgery is designed to relieve the physical discomfort and restrictions that result from the weight of very large breasts. Breast reduction surgery in Istanbul is performed by removing some of the tissue and skin from the breasts to reshape and reduce the size of the breasts.

Breast lift with breast enlargement Turkey

Breast uplift with breast enlargement Turkey can be a viable option for women who have sagging breasts that lost their natural fullness. Performing breast uplift Turkey—with a boob job simultaneously in one comprehensive boob enhancement surgery—can provide fullness and volume to the upper pole of the breasts and position them higher on the chest. 

A breast lift surgery with breast augmentation in Turkey is the best surgical approach for women who wish to achieve multiple cosmetic breast enhancements, such as changing the breast’s shape, size, and position. 

Breast uplift with implants is a same-day outpatient procedure performed under general anaesthesia. Breast uplift with implants usually lasts about 1 hour and a half to 2 hours.

Breast lift on NHS 

Breast uplift is a cosmetic breast surgery, which is not typically available on the National Services (NHS). Patients seeking breast uplift surgery need to pay for the treatment out of their pocket.

Good candidates for a breast lift surgery in Turkey

Women experiencing sagging or drooping breasts—due to the effects of gravity and ageing—are good candidates for breast uplift surgery in Turkey. 

You are eligible for a Mastopexy surgery in Turkey if you have problems such as: 

Sagging or drooping breasts

Downward pointing nipples 

Enlarged areola

Women who have experienced dramatic weight loss may also be good candidates for breast lift surgery in Turkey. Once the skin surrounding the breasts has been stretched, it often loses its elasticity once the weight has been lost. This may result in sagging breasts—which can be corrected with a breast lift.

Mastopexy Turkey procedure

How is a breast lift done?

During the mastopexy surgery in Istanbul, you will be placed under general anaesthetic. The incisions are often made around the areola, beneath the natural crease of the breasts, and/or in a vertical line from the crease to the bottom of the areolas, depending on the extent of the uplift.  

Our plastic surgeons will remove excess skin and will recontour the breast mound to create a natural, youthful breast appearance.  

The doctor will then reposition the nipple to elevate it higher. The size of the areola can also be reduced during a breast lift surgery to eliminate the effects of the stretched skin caused by breastfeeding. A breast uplift surgery in Istanbul typically takes two hours. 

There are three standard techniques for breast uplifts. Each technique is employed for a different purpose—and each has a different result of scar placement. The choice of breast lift technique is determined based on the extent of the procedure and how much skin needs to be removed to achieve the patient’s aesthetic goals. 

Doughnut breast lift

A doughnut breast lift technique in Turkey involves the removal of skin around the areola and this results in an elevation of the nipple-areola. The scarring is usually minimal and it makes for the downsizing of the areola, which is stretched with the rest of the breast skin. If a large amount of skin is excised from around the areola, a special suture is placed around the incision to allow for proper healing with minimal scarring.

Vertical (lollipop) breast lift

A vertical—or lollipop breast lift—pertains to the shape of the incisions made during surgery. Initially, a circular incision is placed around the nipple and areola. Next, another open circular incision is placed at the new location for the nipple and areola. A vertical incision is placed at the bottom of the open circle to the infra-mammary fold. 

After the incisions are made, the nipple and areola are then lifted into the new position and the vertical incision is sutured. The final sutures make the shape of a lollipop.

Full breast uplift 

A full mastopexy in Istanbul or anchor breast lift technique leaves a scar around the areola and in an inverted “T” at the base of the breast. Women with dramatic sagging are best suited for a full mastopexy. 

Breast surgeons in Turkey

Europe’s top plastic surgeons for breast uplift 

Our breast surgeons in Turkey are board-certified medical practitioners who specialize in cosmetic breast surgery and combine artistic skills and expertise in the latest body contouring procedure with advanced surgical technologies to help patients restore their confidence and positive self-image.

Their passion for excellence surfaces in their commitment to being the pioneering cosmetic surgeons of Europe while providing the best results possible for patients. 

Breast lift recovery and results 

After your mastopexy in Turkey, your assigned plastic surgeon will provide you with an elastic bandage to be wrapped over your gauze dressings. At the initial stages of your breast uplift recovery, you may experience slight swelling and bruising, but this will go away during the next few days. A day or two following the breast uplift surgery in Istanbul, the bandages or the surgical will be replaced with a soft support bra.

The doctor may ask you to wear this support bra all day for six weeks to allow for proper healing of your newly shaped breasts. Breast numbness and loss of sensation are typically temporary.

You will be able to return to work after one week. You can resume your normal exercise routine four weeks after your breast uplift in Istanbul. Breast uplift scars will fade over time and you will be able to see the final results of your surgery.

Breast lift Turkey price 

Cosmetic surgery in Europe and the UK is exceedingly exorbitant. No wonder hundreds of UK patients travel abroad for plastic surgery each year to benefit from reasonably priced cosmetic surgery treatments. 

Turkey is one of the most affordable destinations abroad for plastic surgery due to the lower cost of living, inexpensive overhead expenses and the high exchange rate to the English Pound.

Cosmetic surgery in Turkey prices is %70 lower than those in the UK. Breast uplift Turkey cost is determined by a handful of factors—the laboratory work costs, medication price, anaesthesia costs, facility and surgeon fees and other miscellaneous fees including compression garments or implants.

Clinichub offers all-inclusive breast uplift Turkey packages specifically tailor-made to meet your budget needs. Our plastic surgery packages typically comprise the treatment cost, hotel accommodation, medication price, transfers, and a patient host.